There is great happiness in not wanting, in not being something, in not going somewhere...

Monday, 16 September 2013

I Can't Make Cheese Scones!

I have been with LSO for many, many years.... Actually a life time! We hardly ever fight,  we are one of those jolly-hockey-sticks couples who have pet names for each other(No - I won't tell you what they are) we still hold hands, still do PDA's, still go to movies together, he makes me laugh, till I cry..... In short we are still totally and absolutely smitten with each other. 
BUT boy can he wind me up about one thing and one thing in particular...... CHEESE SCONES - Yes! You read it right. He says I can't make them....... I have tried very recipe, and I do mean every one from Nigella to Jamie to that -pretty-model-person, but still the same answer - mmmm They are OK! And Then he will announce in front of everyone over a dinner - "she cooks really well BUT (Wait For It......) She cannot bake cheese scones!!! Do you think I would get away with beating him????
So when I had heard it one too many times a few weeks back, I grabbed my ipad and just googled cheese scones - of course a trillion recipes came up and I literally closed my eyes, pointed my finger at the screen and chose one! Can't make cheese scones mutter mutter....... (insert VERY grumpy face here)  

My finger had found a BBC GoodFood recipe and to my dismay it was really simple, which as you all know is my 'thing'  it was done in to time at all and I even heard a shout from the study - "What smells so good???" - Like I was going to tell him, I was once again trying to make him cheese scones!..... If he hated these I was going to give up ...... Honestly, there is only so much a girl can take....

So here it is.....

Cheese Scones the BBC way :

2 cups of Flour
3 tsp Baking Powder
Large pinch of Salt
Sprinkle of Cayenne Pepper(I used Paprika)
250ml Cheddar Cheese
3 tsp Oil
125 ml Milk
1 egg

Sift all the dry ingredients together and add the cheese

Beat the milk, egg and oil(oil replaces the butter which you would rub in so it is much easier)

Add the wet bowl  to the dry bowl and mix with a fork, I found I needed a bit more milk as it was a bit dry!

Press the dough out on a floured surface until it is about 5mm then fold it over and flatten it again - DON'T  use a rolling pin as it flattens the scones and prevents them from rising( A REALLY GOOD TIP)

Cut them out, place on a baking tray and bake at 180 degrees Celsius for about fifteen to twenty minutes......


I Love Cheese - Actually Added More!

Ooooo Those Look Good!
So they smelt really good, they looked really GOOD.... but would they be good enough for His Royal Fussiness.... I decided to go all five star on him, I served it with ham, pickles butter and tomato jam.... A bit over the top here but remember I was going for broke......

Five Star Plate!
Mine was yummy, no fancy plate for me just a mouth full of piping hot scrummy scone with lashings of butter. I think actually had 2! And why not they may well be the last cheese scones I ever make!


So what do you think the verdict was after the plate had been cleaned?  I waited with bated breath..... 'Mmmmm they are OK!!!!" WHATEVER! That was it! No more trying, never ever would cheese scones be mentioned in my home...... I was NeVeR ever, EVER going to bake for him again, ever, never, did I say NEVER EVER  AGAIN! (insert double grumpy face here!)
So it was to my big surprise when I wondered into the kitchen  that night and found no more cheese scones in the tin, and I got an even bigger surprise when later that night as we were tucked up in bed a very sleepy voice said "Don't make those cheese scones again... I ate too many they were really GOOD!"  Did I mention how much I love my LSO!!! xxx 


Thanks for reading my blog xxx