There is great happiness in not wanting, in not being something, in not going somewhere...

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Oooh Mommy Jam!

My beloved little sister is back - YAYAYYY!!!!! Where has she been I hear you ask ? In Canada, working at summer camp! I cannot tell you what a JOY it is to have her home, we skype, face time and all that cyber stuff, families do when they are far away...... but to have her home, here with me, on the estate makes me GIDDY with Joy and Excitement!  My Sister is the best and we just seem to 'get' each other! So enough of my-sisterly-love-thing...

I also love having here home because she always brings new and exciting idea's with her.... remember the Carrot Cake Jam last year and the Date Coffee Health Bar thingy the year before?  Weeeeeelll she didn't disappoint! No Siree... want to know what it is this year...... Wait for it..... BACON JAM!! I can hear a collective EUWWWWWWW, which to be perfectly honest was my exact thought but boy am I wrong, and I hate to ever admit that I am wrong.....  She says she heard about it from the head chef  at camp, Andre, was intrigued and  googled  the recipe...... well of course we had to  try it, now didn't we....

I was making a Christmas cake for some friends and Cin got stuck in, very soon the smell of bacon frying was everywhere and to be honest besides garlic and onion there is nothing quite like the smell of fried bacon.  It gets the taste buds going, it make you salivate, makes you want to eat......I honestly think that if you really want to make things taste finger licking good, just add BACON. Think about it most of the TV chefs add BACON and really I don't know anyone who doesn't like a good ole BACON and eggs for breaky!

Chopping Bacon at Warp Speed

Lots of Onions....

And Garlic.....

Canadian Maple Syrup

Busy Reducing....

Bacon Jam
 So now for the recipe....

Cindy's Bacon Jam

1 kg Bacon(cut in to inch chunks)
4 large Onions (peeled and thinly sliced)
8 Cloves of Garlic
1 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
1/2 cup of Maple Syrup
1 1/2 cups of Black Coffee
Freshly Ground Black Pepper

Fry the Bacon until it is browned(remove from pan and drain on kitchen paper)
Add the onions and garlic, and gently fry until the onion become translucent
Add the remaining ingredients and drop the heat to low
Then bring to the boil for about 2 min, then add the Bacon back in
Simmer uncovered and stir occasionally, add a bit of water if it looks too dry(ours never looked to dry)
When it all look melty and syrupy , take of the heat and allow to stand for 5 minutes.
Blintz in the food processor, so that the consistency is spreadable...... at this stage you are going to want to APPLY to mouth, but it needs to be bottled like you would pickles or jam!

It can be kept in the fridge for about a month(it will never last that long) or freeze it so you have it when ever you want, and you are going to want lots of it!

A debate raged on as to how we thought it would be best served, with eggs on crusty bread, was one option, chicken sandwiches, was another..... then the creative juices really started to flow... biscuits with cottage cheese and a blob of BACON JAM, French toast, goats milk cheese and French loaf... But in the old end, we chose to try something quite ordinary, which turned into something quiet extraordinary with BACON Jam on it, a plain old toasted cheese!

A Toasted Cheese and Bacon Jam Sandwich!

 It was mouth watering, it was finger licking, it was lip smacking, in actual fact there are not enough superlatives to describe this sweet and savour masterpiece!


All too soon it was finished and we had to stop ourselves from rushing into the kitchen to make more sandwiches! I know that over the next few weeks we are going to expend alot of time and energy on thinking up marvellous ways to eat BACON Jam. And they will all be worth it, as the author of this blog Foodie with Family calls this delicious Jam - OooH-Mommy! Jam and boy is it just that! But as you know, don't take my word for it, go on I dare you .... Try it! xxx 

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