There is great happiness in not wanting, in not being something, in not going somewhere...

Monday, 3 June 2013

The Loo.... eh .... Moo

Remember way back in February when I was whisked off to London...... Yes it is a Long, long time ago, or so it seems, things have been rather busy around here, and to be honest I could do with another trip to London real soon.....
So where am I going with this ...... Let me tell you, while we were there I discovered this really quirky shop, I cannot for the life of me remember what it was called and  could probably go onto google earth and see but being that I am feeling a bit lazy ...... Well now, I bought this really vintage looking necklace and earring in this shop and was browsing around waiting for LSO, who was in the millionth(not sure if that's a word) outdoor shop, when I saw the most amazing bit of decorative wall art. 
Now for those of you who know me well, you all know how much I LURVE anything out of the ordinary.... quirky, funky and eclectic, my home is a mish mash of odds and ends..... And I love it, each and every piece has a story or meaning, or I have collected it on my travels!  
SO what had I found?? A really funky Moose head made out of patch work pieces that came flat packed and could be put together like a puzzle, I HAD TO HAVE IT - lucky for me LSO had left his credit card with me........(Insert BIG smile here)
Sadly however, when we got home and after all the excitement of Little Madame opening her gifts.... I looked for it but it was gone... oh woe is me!!! I had left it behind, or so I thought, a few days ago, I was looking for something, that had fallen behind my chest of drawers and to my absolute delight there was my moose head - YAAAAYY!! WOO HOO!! YIPEE!!
The Long Lost Packet
 And so I set about piecing it together, I was rather easy and with help from my Little Madame, it went from being a flat pack to a three dimensional moose in no time at all. And as you can see by the picture a lot of fun was had!! 
Press Out Moose

The Instructions

Looking Good!

Get Your Hand Out Of My Picture!

Little Madame being a 'cow'
So where to put it? My walls are pretty full, and I think that poor LSO groans but grins and bears it every time I bring something new home! We debated long and hard as to where it should take up residence, the lounge-over the fire place would be ideal but it just didn't look right, the kitchen - eh definitely  no place! The bedroom -  not quiet right, when I was struck by a thought, What about in the loo above the throne? It was quirky enough and would elicit a laugh, and to be honest lots of really important business goes on in there- so why not ?

Ta Dah!
And so it was put above the throne amid much pomp and ceremony,  and to be perfectly honest I don't think we could have found a better spot for it, it is at the end of our passage and as you turn the corner you see it and every time I see it, it brings a great big smile to my face. LSO now calls it "The Moo" A very apt name for our very own throne room ....... xxx

The Throne Room

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