There is great happiness in not wanting, in not being something, in not going somewhere...

Friday 24 August 2012

Curiosity Killed The Cat... uh..... Kitten!

This mangy little rascal is Bells! She was begged and pleaded for by Little Madame and as she(Little Madame) is getting bigger now, and after much discussion, LSO and I decided that a pet for her birthday would not be a bad thing, it would teach her responsibility(Not sure what we were thinking....) and how to handle a pet!
We adopted Belly Bells from the SPCA, it was not something I had ever done before and I must say it was a heart breaking experience! There are so many cats and kittens there, all waiting for a home or .......the inevitable........ sniff sniff. But I cannot tell you how professional and lovely the staff at the SPCA is. So many little kittens and lovely cats all performed and meowed for us.....It was very difficult and if I could have my they would  all have come home with us, but we had a purpose a kitten for a little girl and some how this little mite just caught our eye! She was quiet, sweet and  and shy, she never scratched either of us(as a matter of a fact she has NEVER  EVER scratched at all)

We had our kitten!

So Bells arrived amid much fanfare and happiness, Little madame was beside herself with joy, but also very wary and apprehensive of the BIG GIRL responsibility!

Now to be perfectly honest!!!! I don't like cats, I don't like their independence, snobbishness and I certainly don't like how they peer down their cute little pink nose at you with disdain and attitude BUT this little kitten has stolen my heart! She made herself at home very quickly and has become a  part of the family, quiet honestly it is like having another naughty little child around, she is into everything..... hence the title of this post......

She Thinks She is a Tiger 


Naughty Belly Bells

She Has Kicked The Dog Out Of His Basket

Climbs In

And Out of Everything

Loves The Pool

She Loves WATER - Yes dear peeps, she chases the water from the hose pipe when I water the garden, she doesn't mind being bathed and she is always on the swimming pool net trying  hard to grab the Creepy Crawly! So my sister and I googled water cats and yes indeed there is something called a Turkish water cat that, well,  loves water! - It will be very interesting in Summer to see if she will swim with us......Watch this space.....   


Even An Umbrella Is A Curiosity
And so our  curious Kitten is fast becoming a curious Cat, this morning she brought a huge(and I do mean HUGE! - REALLY HUGE!!) lizard type thingy into the dining room to play with, after really plucking up ALL the courage I possibly muster, I managed to sweep it outside - it (the lizard type thingy) was hissing at me, Belly was meoooowing for all she was worth about me taking her playmate away, and as for me.......... I was hyperventilating to say the least! Tonight, I had to haul her out of the washing machine, just before I switched it on... fancy explaining to your toddler that her BFF got put thru the wash!

As for that responsibility thing..... who do you think cleans the litter box and feeds Belly Bells.... that's right you clever, clever peeps....... Little Ole Me....... Oh Well, she is totally sweet....even if she likes to sleep on my head every night - sigh ...... xxx

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