There is great happiness in not wanting, in not being something, in not going somewhere...

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Beet Beet Stinky Feet!

I LOVE beetroot. In a BIG way!! The  more tangy the better!! My mouth waters and I get that funny pucker-mouth-pully-thing happening if I even see a bottle in the local grocery store BUT some are too sweet and some very watery! Know what I mean?? And they are all either grated which is very frustrating, as you end up with the juice all over your plate invading everything or sliced, which I just don't like, now LSO say it all taste the same but that is just not true! I am looking for chunks, lovely big-fat-chunky-fill-your-mouth-up-beetroot or as we called it when we were kids BEET BEET STINKY FEET - mmmm not sure where that came from but it sounds cute!

So about a week ago we went to the Farmers Market, and I happened upon fresh Beetroot and never one to shy away from a challenge I bought 2 bunches -
 "What are you going to do with that?' said LSO, very sarky like!
 "Pickle it of course" came the reply!
 "Mmmm" was the response! (Not very confidant in my pickling ability - me thinks!)

So out came the cook books and in Gifts from the Kitchen, I found a Chunky Pickled Beetroot Recipe! YAY!!!!!

Aagh! Red Fingers!

I have made many scrummy yummy things from this book and they are always very quick and easy! If you love making preserves and jams this is the book for you! It was quite simple and I had everything  I needed in my pantry cupboard!  The only thing I was a bit dubious about was the peeling of said root vegetable but once they were boiled, the skin literally slid off the ruby red beet!

It was so simple, Vinegars into the pot with  the spices- The aroma of vinegar boiling was eye watering to say the least( Every window and door in the vicinity was open) , but mouth watering too. Boil the beet and peel, chop a red onion and 2 cloves of garlic,  place in the vinegar and simmer for a minute and bottle! About the toughest thing was the sterilising of bottles! Which is always a pain in the voluptuous rear end!

Ruby Red Beets, Onions And Fresh Garlic
The amount of Beets I bought  gave me 3 bottles that are now patiently "maturing" in the pantry cupboard, and can promise you this....It is a Hand-On-My-Heart-Kind-of-Promise - A Cross My Heart Kind of Promise, I AM GOING TO EAT A WHOLE BOTTLE BY MY SELF!!!~!!! And as for LSO - Well, he will have to BEG and PLEAD for a mouthful....... xxx

3 Bottles Of Chunky Yumminess

What Beautiful Colours

Beet Beet Stinky Feet!
PS:: If anyone would like the Recipe let me know and I will post it!


  1. Looks divine-please mail to me on would be the perfect person to tell me where i can get beautiful flowers to decorate a plain vanilla birthday cake? Loads of bright colours?

  2. Ooh Ashley - That looks delicious.....although I must admit i do like mine grated....on the other hand I have never tasted BEET BEET STINKY FEET so who knows...I am prefer yours.... lol

    Keep the blogs loving them:)xxx


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