There is great happiness in not wanting, in not being something, in not going somewhere...

Sunday, 11 November 2012


Grateful:/gratytf(a)l  1.feeling or expressing thanks  2. archaic pleasing or comforting  >gratefully >gratefulness, noun.(grate pleasing, thankful, from Latin gratus)
A few days ago, I was thinking about how much I have in life and how grateful I am for all the things that I have been blessed with. I am absolutely grateful for everything I have! This was really brought home to me when a few days later I received an email from Little Madames school about Christmas gift box's for an underprivileged creche that our little school helps! The letter asked if every child in the school could take a shoe box cover it in bright paper and fill it with stipulated items( crayons,a book, a small soft toy or item of clothes, a small packet of sweets, wet wipes and purity baby food) , this  box would then be given to a child at the creche!
As I sit here and type this, I cannot help but think about all the presents we have planned for Little Madame for Christmas, and the utter joy on her little face on Christmas morning! She is always GRATEFUL and happy no matter what she gets. So, on our next trip to the shops, when I explained to her what we were going to do, she was quiet astounded that not everyone had a roof over their head, or a mommy that picked them up from school everyday, a full tummy or more important to her, that Father Christmas would only be giving these children a very small present and it was up to us to help out!
I was very happy that she understood the importance of giving to some one less fortunate than her, and then had to stop her from buying 10 of everything on the list! It was a very gratifying shopping trip for both of us!
We were asked to do just one Shoe Box Present but we wanted to do two, one for a little girl and one for a baby girl! Little Madame loving packed the boxes and even asked 'Baby Jesus' to bless the children that received them! Once again I was in awe that such a little person could actually understand the concept of the gifts we were making up! 

Two Shoe Box Gifts

One For A Baby

One For A Little Girl

Little madame drew pictures for each box, she took time and effort to do this !

A Little Girl Box

A Baby Box

So, gorgeous peeps, I know this is not my usual post full of happy things I have been sewing or crocheting or and yummy things I have whipped up in my kitchen, it is about being grateful ! And  am so grateful for the BLESSING'S I have:

My Beautiful Family
My Wonderful Friends (far and near)
A Warm Bed
A Hot Bath
The Voice of My little Angel Singing All Day
Warm Hugs At Bed Time
And Last But Definitely Not Least........... LOVE - Because All You Really Ever Need Is LOVE

I have promised myself that I will find something to be grateful for everyday from now on.
Now, I want to challenge all of you gorgeous peeps out there - Make up a Christmas Shoe Box Gift, get in your car and find a child who is in need and watch the joy and happiness that happens in front of you , and know you made a small difference to a beautiful child who just needs to be loved! xxx

Christmas Shoe Box Presents!

The First of Many

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