There is great happiness in not wanting, in not being something, in not going somewhere...

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Sugar and Spice....

This is not a post about food..... contrary to what the title is, I could not think of a name for this post because I truly have no idea what to call this cute little jersey-jumper-shrug thing. It is from the simply crochet magazine.....Possibly my favorite magazine in the whole wide world. now as you know I prefer crocheting little amagurimi things, and blankets I love blankets. There is always a blanket in a basket somewhere or an idea for a blanket bouncing about it my head. I have a very sad bunch of blocks all stacked up and waiting to be finished...... but that is a story for another post.

Back to Sugar and Spice.....

Little Madame was sitting with me when I was ohing and ahing of the articles in this magazine and as I turned the page she ohed too(my computer has lots of red lines under the oh' s and ah' s but I am going to plug on) She asked if I would make it for her. Now besides a shawl (or the occasional mitten) I have never seemed to make clothing. A few days later she asked whether I had started her Sugar and Spice jersey thingy yet. (see -  even she did not know what to call it)

I got all the yarn out and let her chose her own colours, then  got down to business. It all started from the neck and you worked your way down. I was as always in this magazine, a easy to follow pattern. It also looked pretty really quickly, the colours that Little Madame had chosen blended well. I actually thought it looked like Cleopatra's jeweled collar.......

Double crochet made this little jersey thing come together really quickly. I made it slightly longer at Little Madames request. She said she would feel cold if it didn't cover her bottom.... Go figure? but very soon I was crocheting around the entire jersey to neaten it all off. it looked just like the pretty picture and it fitted her perfectly.

The most difficult part of this .... oh lets just call it a jersey... OK?  So the most difficult part was getting little Madame to agree on a ribbon to tie it together. I liked the orange and she like blue.... we compromised on the pink.

Now after all the mad rush to get it finished, has she worn it yet? No.......But she says she will, and I know that one day soon , as winter slowly makes its way down to our little fishing village, she will pop out of her room with it on, probably with green tights, red shoes and a multi coloured tulle skirt - but that's her style and that's fine by

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