There is great happiness in not wanting, in not being something, in not going somewhere...

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Renovation Nation Part 4 .....The End....

Towards the end of last year my posts were all about the on going house renovations... However I never got to finish the journey of our renovations! I got busy moving back in, , the Internet was down for the first few weeks of our move, I got busy redecorating, to be honest I got busy with everything else besides my favourite things  to do , BLOGGING and CROCHETING!  the post below was just beginning and so I decided that I would carry it on, and end the renovation journey......
So, 2 months on......
On Thursday when I wrote the last blog on my renovations my house was a TIP!!! What a difference a few days can make! OH boy OH BoY OH BOY!!!! Uh....!!! One week later the house is looking like my home again, vastly different, a totally new home but my home! Some rooms are done, some patiently  waiting for paint and cleaning...... Take a quick peek..... 
Outside Is Still A Tip!

Cupboards, Plastering And Painting
Bathroom And Laundry!
Can you know see why I am so very excited..... It is all starting to look like a house again and not a building site.

Right so this is the end of the post I started on the 5th of November! I also for some unknown reason and to my horror STOPPED taking photos at this stage! (I think excitement had a lots to do with it) So today I pottered around and took some picture for you to see..... Then I hit on a great idea.... why not show you all the house as we saw it and now...... so here goes....


The Day we Bought

After The First Renovation

Now(A work in progress)

The Day We Bought


My Crochet Spot Has New Chairs

The Day We Bought
A Pantry Type Thing

The Day We Bought


The Day We Bought

First Renovation

Love All The Sunlight


The Day We Bought
Now(My Favourite Room)

The Day We Bought - YIKES!!



The Day We Bought

New Cupboards
Now let me tell you what I learnt from Renovating our house..... 
1. Do your homework  - look at peoples houses and see what you like
2. Do your homework - ask people who to use, people who are happy talk about it!
3. Trust your builders they know what works!
4. Have an idea of what you want to spend however be flexible  
5. Its your house do what you like - I heard this over and over from our builders
The wonderful, gorgeous and beautiful people who build for us have changed our lives! LITERALLY! We will never be able to thank Dave Natalie and Tilly for our home.   And that, as they say in the classics, is that! We are done and dusted and as you can see have been living back in our brand new home for 3 months! To say we love it would be an understatement. We have fallen in love with our home all over again and its  so good to be HOME! xxx

Monday, 23 March 2015

Tick Tock Tick Tock.....

Seconds turn into minutes, minutes into hours, hours into days, days into weeks, weeks into months and suddenly you realised that times has passed you by..... time that you can never get back. Time that you have spent racing and  hurrying from one thing to the next. Time that you have not spent appreciating what is right in front of you, time that you have not spent doing what you love the most!
This is how I am feeling at the moment dear peeps, it has been 3 months since I sat down in front of my computer, 3 months since I came to my happy place and rambled...... 3 VERY long months. I have not blogged or crocheted, I have not baked, sewn a stitch and not and certainly not been my usual creative self... In fact I have been very unproductive and very uncreative and this makes me very unhappy to say the least.  
While speaking to a few friends a few days ago we realised that we all felt exactly the same..... Life normally calms down after Christmas and New Year, its back to school  and then back to life as normal, however this year has JUST NOT settled down......It has become more rushed! EEKK!! 
Soooo, I have resolved to stop the mania, stop the rushing, stop the rushing. Try and slow things down a bit, no, not a bit, a whole lot!! a few days after deciding to do this slow down thing I found these two beautiful post cards, instantly I knew that these beautiful cards would go onto my notice board and become my mantra for the rest of this year....

The last two have been added because so many times I catch myself thinking "Oh, that would make me happy" Would it really? Would a material item make me happy....... Or should I just be thankful for what I have! The best things in the world - warm hugs from little arms and the looks of love from my wonderful long-suffering-husband...... That is what is important!
 So while I am breathing slowly and trying to grow some patience,  expect lots of blogging and lots of catching up on things I did actually do in December, because this is my happy place and I am back! xxx