There is great happiness in not wanting, in not being something, in not going somewhere...

Monday, 11 August 2014

To Whit To Wooo Number Twooo!

There is no long story to todays post. It simply is this  - I saw a ball of yarn an thought it would make a cute owl, an owl for little Madame  I have been making loads of Owl Rattle Toys, so many friends have been popping out little bundles of joy - I really  cannot keep up. Every time I finish one, Little Madame asks if it is for her, she wants an Owl with a sore heart! When I saw this wool I knew it would make a  perfectly sweet Olivia Owl!  
This is also my second Crochet pattern..... 
Abbreviations:(I have use UK crochet speak)
Slip Stitch - sl st
Double Crochet - dc
Half treble - htr
Treble  - tr

Olivia the Owl
Rnd 1 - Chain 2 then work 8 dc into the 2nd stitch from the hook
Rnd 2 - 2 dc into each stitch (16 stitches)
Rnd 3 - 1 dc into the next stitch, 2 dc in the next stitch. Repeat to end (24)
Rnd 4 - 1 dc in the next 2 stitches, 2 dc into the next stitch. Repeat to the end (32)
Rnd 5 - Work 1 dc all the way around
Rnd 6 - 1 dc into the next 3 stitches, 2 dc into the next stitch. Repeat to end (40)
Rnd 7 - Work 1 dc all the way around
Rnd 8 - 1 dc into the next 4 stitches,2 dc into the next stitch. Repeat to end (48)
Rnd 9 - 1 dc into the next 5 stitches, 2 dc into the next stitch, Repeat to end (56)
Rnd 10- Work 1 dc all the way around 
Rnd 11- 29  - Work 1 dc all the way around ( at this stage you can make it as big as you want)
Begin to Decease
Rnd 30 - 1 dc in the next 4 stitches then crochet 2 tog. Repeat to end  (48)
Rnd 31 - 1 dc in the next 3 stitches then crochet 2 tog. repeat to end (40)
Rnd 32 - 1 dc in the next 2 stitches then crochet 2 tog (32)
Barrel Shape and Stuffing
Stuff the owl now
Now pin all along the top to close it up! can you see how I kept the stitch on the side, this is to form the ear thingys ( not sure are they ears??) on the side of the owls head!

Pin Across The Top To Close

Work Through Both Sides

Working through both sides of the owl - (as above)
Rnd 33 - 2 tr into the stitch and 1 htr into the next stitch
Rnd 34 - dc across the owl to close it up, go right across until the 2 last stitches, in the second to last stitch a 1 htr  and in the last stitch 2 tr, fasten off.( you have created a little lift on each end - ears)

Eyes:(make 2)
Rnd 1 - Chain 2  - 10 dc into the 2nd stitch from the hook
Rnd 2 - 2dc in each of the 10 stitches - fasten off, leaving a long piece to sew with!
Rnd 1 - Chain 2  - 10 dc into the 2nd stitch from the hook
Rnd 2 - 2dc in each of the 10 stitches
Rnd 3 - 1dc in to the next stitch, 2dc into the next stitch. Repeat to end
Rnd 4 - dc all the way aro0und - fasten off
Wings:(make 2)
Rnd 1 - Chain 2  - 10 dc into the 2nd stitch from the hook
Rnd 2 - 2dc in each of the 10 stitches
Rnd 3 - 5 tr into the next stitch
Rnd 4 - 2 triple tr into the next stitch
Rnd 5 - Turn the wing and work sc all the way around the wing. Fasten off

Chain 3 then work 3 tr into the first chain(a tiny mini granny cluster)

Pin all the bits onto the owl, positioning them were you want them, sew onto the owl using all the threads that you left
Use some buttons to make the pupils of the owls eyes and

Olivia Owl
Little Madame adores her owl and so do I. This pattern was not nearly as difficult to do as the first one however make no mistake it took me an age to crochet and write up! To be honest with you I am still not so sure that I have written it well enough for all you happy hookers out there to follow. I sure hope so and as with the last pattern I would love to hear if it all worked out and  went well. ...... xxx

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Hippy Chic.....

Little Madame is half way through this school year, as a matter of fact we are in the third school term already! Down South, little peeps start school later than little peeps elsewhere in the world, 7 years old being the average age! The thinking is that they are more emotionally equipped to handle the huge year that is Grade 1  It has been an epic year for us, I say US because I have also had to get use to not having her around, I home schooled Little Madame until 2 years ago...... and even then took her out of school when ever I wanted to! When ever I needed her!  But 'BIG " school is a different ball game! Little Madame LOVES school( Thank the good Lord above!) there have been no difficulties at all.

Now I must give credit where it is due...... The school we chose for her to attend is a well known school in the fishing village, an all girls school ( LSO insisted) very disciplined and although I hesitate to use the word...... Strict!  But it was exactly what we were looking for in a school! HOWEVER it is a nurturing and VERY family orientated school, with plenty of parent occasions! I am getting to the point....... Not only is it an epic year for Little Madame, it is also an epic year for the school - this year Fatima Dominican Convent School turns 60!  In the coming weeks there are all sorts of fun festivities lined up for the girls, both past and present!  A choir evening, a parade through the streets of our neighbourhood, a huge founders day, netball matches against past pupils and my favourite and the whole topic of today's post - A dress up Sixty's Day

Now for those of you that know me..... you will know that my eyes lit up with sheer joy and delight! There is nothing I LOVE more than a dress up day! SO little Madame and I had a chat about it and it was so very evident that our ideas were rather a long way from each other...... She was insisting it was neon and legwarmers and I was sure it was caftans and bell bottoms! So we turned to the trusty world wide web! The only thing I could think of to google was Woodstock, however all that "love and substance" might not be appropriate to show a 7 year old! Then it stuck me  - A movie I saw many years ago yet loved and still do HAIR! Little Madame sat enthralled as we watched  very grainy yet beautiful renditions of Good Morning Star Shine, Let The Sunshine In, I Got Life and the Iconic Aquarius!   

When the moon is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
The age of Aquarius, Aquarius
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the minds true liberation
Aquarius, Aquarius
When the moon is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
The age of Aquarius, Aquarius, Aquarius
Aquarius, Aquarius
Let the sunshine
Let the sunshine in
The sunshine in.....

What an amazing time in our history - and somehow really significant to the time we are in right now! Maybe we should all take up the MAKE LOVE NOT WAR motto again! Right, I am getting off my little soap box right now!

So an outfit was decided on (I had to veto the bikini top and bell bottoms - not sure it would have gone down well with the Nuns and Father Des) and I got to work...... I really wasn't sure I would be able to find fabric that reflected the sixty's but I did, I was really surprised!

I also was on the look out for a Peace sign, not knowing where was I going to find one but as I left the very first shop I had walked into , there it was a Peace sign (a very blingy peace sign, not sure Janis Joplin would have approved but I loved it!)

I was having a really great shopping day, a few bangles and a bag of feathers and I was ready to make a hippy out of Little Madame

I think it is important to have a go-to-pattern. A pattern that you can adapt  to make anything you want. I have found a MacCall's pattern that works for anything! This pattern has, a dress, pants and a peasant top! (M6613) So I used the peasant top and cut out wide bell sleeves, it was done in no time at all!

To this we added a pair of denim shorts with the US flag on them (a recent flea market purchase, a crochet bolero ( an crochet top of mine, which is long on Little Madame) Said peace sign, bangles, a flower wreath for her hair and boots!

Little Madame makes a very good hippy - all that flowing hair, and twirling(yes she still twirls everywhere) and looks really CUTE! I even taught her the Peace Sign, the hand one,  you know the one I mean, the one that when turned around means a whole different thing? Well I have had to correct her a few time and eventually had to explain to her it was rude to turn your hand around! Thankfully she was horrified so I don't have to worry about her saying "Peace Out Father Des" and using the wrong sign..... maybe that was not such a clever thing for me to do....... Oh Well, one can only hope! Peace out Beautiful Peeps...... xxx 

PS:: I had to add the collage, as I have just returned from dropping Little Madame off at school! Today I  wished I was back at school - in particular this school! ..... The Head Mistress and teachers were outside dressed up and wishing everyone Peace and Love, the Matric and Std ( girls were on all the street corners leading up to the school, dancing playing Tambourine's and singing, welcoming everyone at drop off, even the moms doing drop off got in on the action, what an amazing and special time for all the little girls! Happy Birthday Fatima!  


Monday, 4 August 2014

Sock It To Me Baby!!!

For the last few weeks I have had a desperate urge or maybe a need to knit some socks...... yes a bit weird I know, but the truth never the less! It might be that there is a slight chill in the air and my need is really to create something warm to pop onto my ALWAYS icy tootsies!
So I have been trawling the world wide web for a pair of socks to knit - but whoa, WHOA!!! They all seem really difficult, involving about 15 needles(well only 4 really) and large amount of high concentration and you know that with a Little Madame around.... this is no mean feat in fact it is just not possible! I remember calling my Mom ( she was the queen of knitting) a few years back to discuss said sock knitting..... she told me that it was a very difficult process especially "turning  the heel" - what???? Ok, so shelve that idea, move on, do something else...... However when there is an idea brewing for me..... Well you all know me by now!
When I was looking through my crochet magazines a few weeks ago, I came across a pattern to crochet socks..... Well why not I thought!!!
Yes - A Toe Section
Now as you can see it all started quiet well. I sat quietly one afternoon and began, I struggled a bit with the toe but persevered and it finally started to look like the toe of a sock! 
Looking Better

Slow and steady is my motto when I am tacking anything new, but slow was an understatement in this case, I was constantly counting  stitches, making mistakes and then pulling it all out ! But still in general it  sort-of-looked-looked like a sock!
Waiting to be Finished!
I eventually put it down.... a little break was needed, and here began the problem, a problem of epic proportions! Fast forward a few day  - and yes you guessed it I had no idea where I was! My little note paper with the rows marked off had disappeared ( I think a certain Little Madam had drawn pretty fairy pictures on it) I was lost, no matter what I tried and how many rows I counted I could not seem to pick up where I had left off!
So I did what any sensible hooky girl would do! I pulled it all out to begin again!
I have not begun again - NO! I just can't seem to bring myself to try it again! Socks and me - Well maybe not a good match!  A sad ball of yarn has  often called to me as I pass it by! It really desperately wants to be a sock, well a pair actually! But alas........ I  feel at this point it is very important to tell you that I do fail at sometimes. I don't always get everything right and perfect the first time....  
Love This Magazine!
However..... I never ever let something get the better of me! SOOO imagine my JOY when I opened the latest issue(Well, latest here in SA) of Simply Crochet and found a sock pattern, I have  read the pattern through and it reread it just in case I missed something and it looks pretty easy! Easy enough for me to TRY and get right? I think so!
Stripy Socks!

Pretty In Pink!
Although my ball of blue yarn is still waiting to become something beautiful... I decided that a pair of soft pink socks would be perfect... Have I started yet ? Nope, I am finishing a beautiful ripple baby blanket for a special little person, who will be here in December but next on the production line..... PRETTY PINK SOCKS - Watch this space ........ xxx