As you all know, I love, LOVE ( - there that's better -shouty capitals) magazines, in particular, Mollie Makes! I have mentioned before how much I adore these magazines.... so I certainly will not bore you with that all over again, in fact this post is about making all the sweet free gifts that come with the magazine!
LSO will tell you that I drive completely mad when we go to the UK, I am into W.H.Smith as soon as my little feet clear customs.... I buy Mollie Makes and Simply Crochet, just so that I can have the free makes that come with these 2 magazines. Next, I check the dates to see whether I will be able to purchase the next issue before I leave - I am like a woman possessed and what's more I am not shy to tell you , I have been known to be grossly over weight and have to take magazines out of my suit case on the return flight home ! As I said I drive LSO completely MAD!!!
So here is the problem, I never seem to get round to making up the bits and bobs on the magazine so I end up with a pile of magazines that just don't stack! No matter how I try, I cannot pile them properly! So in keeping with my new years resolution of finishing the projects I start..... YES I am trying and so far so good! I decided to get stuck in and make all my Mollie Makes freebies from 2 years back!
I got them all out, photocopied all the patterns that were needed for the sewing projects, cut them out, pinned them all, read the instructions and got going..... I tackled my favourite first, CROCHET of course.....
A very easy bow brooch, it took 20 minutes and Little Madame asked me to put it onto a hair clip for her as soon as she saw the finished item!
A pretty flower brooch came next! Mmmmm I know it doesn't look like the one in the magazine, but it is pretty enough for me! I think I was too busy watching Grey's Anatomy, so too much concentration was on Mac dreamy and not enough was on Mac brooch - priorities Ashley!
A pretty coaster for my cappuccino's worked out beautifully!
Then came some embroidery! Now me and embroidery are not so good together, but I had to try....
The little buttons are very sweet, and I tried I really did, I really ReAlLy, REALLY wanted to get this right, I was envisioning a pretty little blouse for Little Madame with sweet little home made buttons...
But as you can see, it was not to be my tiny embroidery was big and didn't fit onto the tiny little button and I hate to admit it but I gave up after the second button....
The sewing project were all very easy, and quick and I managed to plough through them in an afternoon! The some of the kits are supposed to be hand sewn but I have this KILLER new machine.... so decided to machine sew everything.... some worked really well, other could have been neater....
The Mollie Makes sausage dog is my favourite thing, she is so sweet, and looks perfect on my bookshelf...
A luggage tag, a coin purse, a cell cover, fish handbag charm, a travel card wallet and a blue bird charm, which was immediately put onto my handbag!
Sweet and easy sleeping fox brooches to add to my collection..... And I was done!
I was feeling quiet chuffed with myself..... all done in three days and I had really enjoyed a few quick small projects. The next day I was in out local newsagent, what did I see on the shelf - that's right you guessed a new Mollie Makes and then LSO arrived home from a trip to Scotland, and proudly produced 2 BRAND SPANKING new Mollie Makes from his suitcase( the DARLING man) I was back to square one.... a lovely pile of Mollie Makes and 3 gorgeous new mini project to complete.... Today, I think not! Maybe I will just wait till I have a whole pile again